Tuesday 31 January 2012

Nimbo Coins

I did a series of designs looking at what would be the best design for the credits players would receive in game. I made a different series of designs to see what would visibly look best but i also had to consider what credits might look like as they tend to have the iconic coin look and i didn't want to confuse players to what they are. I like the seed design along with the Numbered leaf and Numbered Gold coin, i feel like the coin is a great way to make players already recognise that it can be used to buy items. The seed design shows money and might inform players that it needs to be bought with real world money.

I think that i will be using the coin due to its iconic look and that having a number on the coin i can then make it a way to showing how much an item can cost as well as use the N gold coin as a base for a totalled number of coins players have earnt. I can then add in a way of making players by numbered coins showing there value.

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