Sunday 15 January 2012

Game Merchandise

Although the thought of creating merchandise is early i have already got the character and full concept finished in which i can think of what might be most appropriate to make as merchandise. My first thoughts were to create plush toys in of the character in which players can buy. I also thought of plant related products like plant feeders in the shape of Nimbo.

In a quick look across the internet i found that a lot of game merchandise for a young audience are simple buy fun items. Moshi monsters is a massively popular game in which i have noticed a lot of different merchandise in games stores. I had a look at what they typically sell as merchandise to their young audience.

On the Toys r Us website i found many different toy items they sell to a young audience audience as well as soft plush toys. Example below:

The toy above as well as being a soft plush like toy has motion sensitive chat speaker in which the character can talk. This allows that extra enjoyment and play with the toy rather just being a soft toy. I also liked the simple soft toy on a hook (image below) as it is designed for kids to carry with them on bags to school which for the buyer is a fun item to show off to friends but for the company its a simple way to advertise. It would be simple to pull off for my character.

I also like how they have implemented gift packs which include different toy based items as well as simple items like postcards, bands, soft toy, in-game items, stickers,trading cards and membership. This means that the buyer will be receiving in game items and stuff that will effect the game as well as real life merchandise to play with. These are all possible to design for my game Nimbo as i could offer, in game items, postcards of different level locations, soft toy of the cloud and maybe other items like plant seeds and related gifts.

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