Monday 16 January 2012

Sound induction and story design

Today we had our second sound induction in which we looked at foley recording. Foley is when objects are used to create sound in which this then recorded and placed into a video or game. Simple objects for a long time have been used and recorded to replace sounds lost in recording and also to enhance sounds, especially when the sounds don't exist and have to be created out of serval different sounds. One of the most popular known foley ways of creating a sound is coconut shells to create a sound like a horses shoes. We also watched a video on which is a great site for looking at the creation of sound for different films and games. Last week we looked at how some sounds were created for the popular game series halo and how they created a special in game sound room to help speed up the process of seeing how it sounds in game without having to play the game until you reach the right sound. Today in the sound induction i was able to record a couple of sounds during my time in which during the next induction i will be refining. The sounds i recorded were based around my project as i tried to record water and rain sounds as well as thunder.

As i am interested in sound design and it will be a part of my project for BA8 i had a look at the video on soundworkscollection of the sounds and theme created for Angry Birds. Link: . The sounds were created by the designer as well as real people from the rodeo in which found interesting. Angry birds use a lot of realistic sounds for environment like breaking wood and crumbling stone just the sounds are enhanced and but the birds are very cartoon squawk like.

Today i also wrote out the final story concept of Nimbo for my game document. I chose the story to follow Nimbo wanting to become an adult in which plays on Propps rules of 'Departure' and 'Difficult Task' as nimbo has to leave his home/family in order to complete a task to grow up. In this case he is leaving to prove himself by saving plants over the world. I thought this is a better concept as it gives the character a reason for traveling afar and doesn't have a solid ending as the player may never grow up allowing for more space to create extra levels and games in which to increase the profits as a designer.

I also started designing the animatic pictures in which the player would be told the story at the start of level 1. There will be 3 images in which show Nimbo and Nimbos father Nimbus. The player will be shown these at the start of level 1 and the first i designed to be showing nimbo so the player firstly knows who he is playing. The second image then shows nimbo with nimbus in which they have a discussion about nimbo wanting to grow. This talk is carried out through speech bubbles that appear when the screen is tapped. The speech bubbles will appear in order for the characters to complete there talk which tells the story. The last image you see numbus allowing Nimbo to leave to complete the task of saving plants which would lead directly into level 1 which would be the tutorial level.

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