Sunday 22 January 2012

Game Levels

As part of my design of my previous game document i have been designing new concepts for my levels in which the player could play in and/or potentially buy as extras. My orginal plan to create changes to the levels and enviroment was to have the Nimbo travel to new locations around the world. it would also allow for more new opitunites for new enemys and plants that also fit into the location and theme.

In the first game document i had one other level in which was in the desert. I also mentioned how maybe in certian locations it could change due to the area of the location such as urban or rural. The main other areas i said were if the levels could be beach, mountain or desert based.

My early designs looked like this:

I liked this images because it allowed for a simple background which was easy to understand what was foreground and what was background. They were also easy to recreate quickly. I also designed them to be simple to re-tile meaning i could use the same layers to create a large re-tiling background in which the player could scroll through. I tryed to recreated the game in my new designed but i also wanted to make them more aesthetically pleasing. I did this by firstly choosing a location in which to base the area of, i then also looked at images from the area to understand what the player might expect to see there if they were in that location. I have created my own versions of these real world places.

These level concepts are based on if the location of Egpyt:

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