Monday 9 January 2012

Sound Induction

Today we had a sound induction into the sound recording rooms. To be able to the use the rooms we must attend the inductions thurther more it is more important to me to learn sound designing during these inductions to prepare myself for designing sound for my animation. Today was the first of 4 which lasted 45 mins, it was to breifly show were the rooms are, what equipment the university has and how to book the rooms.

Our next session takes part next week in which we will be learning how to use equipment to record sound from various objects and transfer them into software to then edit. This part of the induction will be very usful for my project has i will be recording multiple sounds later in my project to help represent many of the assets of my game and abilitys.

I will be trying to find objects ready for next week to use to start to make noises i feel i might use or similar sounds to what i want in my animation of my game.

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