Tuesday 31 January 2012

Nimbo Coins

I did a series of designs looking at what would be the best design for the credits players would receive in game. I made a different series of designs to see what would visibly look best but i also had to consider what credits might look like as they tend to have the iconic coin look and i didn't want to confuse players to what they are. I like the seed design along with the Numbered leaf and Numbered Gold coin, i feel like the coin is a great way to make players already recognise that it can be used to buy items. The seed design shows money and might inform players that it needs to be bought with real world money.

I think that i will be using the coin due to its iconic look and that having a number on the coin i can then make it a way to showing how much an item can cost as well as use the N gold coin as a base for a totalled number of coins players have earnt. I can then add in a way of making players by numbered coins showing there value.

Monday 30 January 2012

More Enviroments

I have been working on more enviroment designs for my game project, these are just simple selections of what the possiable scrolling background.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

New enviroments.

I have been designing new enviroment designs which i entend to improve on and use for my game project. These new areas are based on locations as i talked about in my last post. The areas i have done are rural england, alaska, Amazon jungle and a enviroment based on new yorks centeral park. Before i did my designs i looked at basic online images to get a grasp of what these areas look like then combining those ideas to what typically you expect from those locations.

For rural england you expect fields, bushs and things like gloomy weather and haybails in which i tryed to include to make it feel more like the location.

Images i looked at:

By looking at images of the locations it gave me a better idea of what people might expect and how i should design my game level enviroments. These are the 2 early designs i have made:

Sunday 22 January 2012

Game Levels

As part of my design of my previous game document i have been designing new concepts for my levels in which the player could play in and/or potentially buy as extras. My orginal plan to create changes to the levels and enviroment was to have the Nimbo travel to new locations around the world. it would also allow for more new opitunites for new enemys and plants that also fit into the location and theme.

In the first game document i had one other level in which was in the desert. I also mentioned how maybe in certian locations it could change due to the area of the location such as urban or rural. The main other areas i said were if the levels could be beach, mountain or desert based.

My early designs looked like this:

I liked this images because it allowed for a simple background which was easy to understand what was foreground and what was background. They were also easy to recreate quickly. I also designed them to be simple to re-tile meaning i could use the same layers to create a large re-tiling background in which the player could scroll through. I tryed to recreated the game in my new designed but i also wanted to make them more aesthetically pleasing. I did this by firstly choosing a location in which to base the area of, i then also looked at images from the area to understand what the player might expect to see there if they were in that location. I have created my own versions of these real world places.

These level concepts are based on if the location of Egpyt:

Friday 20 January 2012

Designing Nimbo Merch

I have been looking at creating merchendise for my game, i want to allow players to buy gifts codes for the game in which they can then buy virtual items in game with. I looked at various if different ways that the games market does this. The most popular method is by selling plastic cards that people buy and scrach off that reveils a code that gives them the virtual goods, usually in game currency.

The most popular known version of this method is the Itune gift cards in which people can buy and then when the code is entered it transfers the cost into the Itunes market place.

In games usually extras for pre-ordering items players recieve a similar item but its more paper based and the code allows players to access a download which gives them certian items. These are usually in the game case. If i was going to allow this i could create cards with speical virtual items on in which customers might potentionally buy from stores.

As a quick example i created what one might appear like as a early concept in which i will later go back to and consentrate on details and will create a prototype version of.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Story Screenshots

This is a storyboard I have designed that shows a potential opening scene for the game, what it is showing is Nimbo racing forward, thus showing the character at the start. It next shows Nimbo with a larger cloud (its father Nimbus) at this point there are speech bubbles that show there will be text dialog in the scene, it starts with Nimbus telling nimbo to calm down and nimbo asking how he can be big.
Next its the same but from another perspective as Nimbus tells Nimbo if he wants to be big he needs to travel the world and help grow and save plant, thus starting his mission.

Designs and Materials

I was able to buy some wadding for my plush toys for when i create them as well as another type of fabric in which can use to help me print the characters face on. I might even made two versions using both types of fabric.

I also thought today i could potentially sell Nimbo seeds, in which parents of kids can buy them packs of seeds from the nimbo series which connects the game to real life as well brings an ecologoal sence to the game. Also from the research i feel that they could also be included as a merchendise pack were the buyer would get a small plush toy, postcards, seeds and a in-game item vouchers. here is a simple package design in which the seeds would come in.

Nimbo Seeds design:

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Buying materials

Today i have been working on my dissertation but i was also able to have a short look around town to look at what fabric options are available to me to help create merchandise. Again it is early in the project but i want to create a prototype early in design to see if i can improve and create a good looking plush toy of Nimbo. I managed to by a sheet of white fleece in which i feel was the best material to feel and look cloud like, there is an issue in which how will i be able to print or show the face on the surface. I though that i could originally print the characters face onto the fabric before sowing it together to make the character but i feel like i will have to invest in another material that will be a sheet that will hold the printed face. I will be looking at and showing the creation of the first prototype plush toy and the original design.

Monday 16 January 2012

Sound induction and story design

Today we had our second sound induction in which we looked at foley recording. Foley is when objects are used to create sound in which this then recorded and placed into a video or game. Simple objects for a long time have been used and recorded to replace sounds lost in recording and also to enhance sounds, especially when the sounds don't exist and have to be created out of serval different sounds. One of the most popular known foley ways of creating a sound is coconut shells to create a sound like a horses shoes. We also watched a video on http://soundworkscollection.com/ which is a great site for looking at the creation of sound for different films and games. Last week we looked at how some sounds were created for the popular game series halo and how they created a special in game sound room to help speed up the process of seeing how it sounds in game without having to play the game until you reach the right sound. Today in the sound induction i was able to record a couple of sounds during my time in which during the next induction i will be refining. The sounds i recorded were based around my project as i tried to record water and rain sounds as well as thunder.

As i am interested in sound design and it will be a part of my project for BA8 i had a look at the video on soundworkscollection of the sounds and theme created for Angry Birds. Link: http://soundworkscollection.com/angrybirds . The sounds were created by the designer as well as real people from the rodeo in which found interesting. Angry birds use a lot of realistic sounds for environment like breaking wood and crumbling stone just the sounds are enhanced and but the birds are very cartoon squawk like.

Today i also wrote out the final story concept of Nimbo for my game document. I chose the story to follow Nimbo wanting to become an adult in which plays on Propps rules of 'Departure' and 'Difficult Task' as nimbo has to leave his home/family in order to complete a task to grow up. In this case he is leaving to prove himself by saving plants over the world. I thought this is a better concept as it gives the character a reason for traveling afar and doesn't have a solid ending as the player may never grow up allowing for more space to create extra levels and games in which to increase the profits as a designer.

I also started designing the animatic pictures in which the player would be told the story at the start of level 1. There will be 3 images in which show Nimbo and Nimbos father Nimbus. The player will be shown these at the start of level 1 and the first i designed to be showing nimbo so the player firstly knows who he is playing. The second image then shows nimbo with nimbus in which they have a discussion about nimbo wanting to grow. This talk is carried out through speech bubbles that appear when the screen is tapped. The speech bubbles will appear in order for the characters to complete there talk which tells the story. The last image you see numbus allowing Nimbo to leave to complete the task of saving plants which would lead directly into level 1 which would be the tutorial level.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Game Merchandise

Although the thought of creating merchandise is early i have already got the character and full concept finished in which i can think of what might be most appropriate to make as merchandise. My first thoughts were to create plush toys in of the character in which players can buy. I also thought of plant related products like plant feeders in the shape of Nimbo.

In a quick look across the internet i found that a lot of game merchandise for a young audience are simple buy fun items. Moshi monsters is a massively popular game in which i have noticed a lot of different merchandise in games stores. I had a look at what they typically sell as merchandise to their young audience.

On the Toys r Us website i found many different toy items they sell to a young audience audience as well as soft plush toys. Example below:

The toy above as well as being a soft plush like toy has motion sensitive chat speaker in which the character can talk. This allows that extra enjoyment and play with the toy rather just being a soft toy. I also liked the simple soft toy on a hook (image below) as it is designed for kids to carry with them on bags to school which for the buyer is a fun item to show off to friends but for the company its a simple way to advertise. It would be simple to pull off for my character.

I also like how they have implemented gift packs which include different toy based items as well as simple items like postcards, bands, soft toy, in-game items, stickers,trading cards and membership. This means that the buyer will be receiving in game items and stuff that will effect the game as well as real life merchandise to play with. These are all possible to design for my game Nimbo as i could offer, in game items, postcards of different level locations, soft toy of the cloud and maybe other items like plant seeds and related gifts.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Presentation and Bishops Art Contest

Firstly today i develived my presentation to my tutors, this included how i researched and developed my BA7 idea and how i would continue the project through BA8. I believed i did well dispite needing to improve on my confidence and my speech but the overall feedback was good. Areas in which were mention to look at for BA8 was 'designing' and 'making' merchendise' as well as to look into charaty based virtual goods in game.

I also attended a lecture today about a open competition for NUCA students to design work for the bishop of norwich. The competition is themed 'I have a dream' which we ahve to particually design too, although there is a lot of room for different and creative design as dreams are varst. I have to enter before the 9th of febuary so i will research on dreams and try to see if there is an appealing idea i can come up with. The competition ends in may in which i must sibmit the final work but i partiucally want to have a strong concept before entering.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Website Design

As part of BA8 i have to design a website to pressionally show my work online to help get a job in the future. Today i spent some time thinking of different ways of doing so. My last project i also designed a website. I have chosen to take a different aproch than last time and have designed a new enterance page to my website making it more profesional.

Although i like this design it still is a early concept and is most likely to change in the coming weeks.

Monday 9 January 2012

Sound Induction

Today we had a sound induction into the sound recording rooms. To be able to the use the rooms we must attend the inductions thurther more it is more important to me to learn sound designing during these inductions to prepare myself for designing sound for my animation. Today was the first of 4 which lasted 45 mins, it was to breifly show were the rooms are, what equipment the university has and how to book the rooms.

Our next session takes part next week in which we will be learning how to use equipment to record sound from various objects and transfer them into software to then edit. This part of the induction will be very usful for my project has i will be recording multiple sounds later in my project to help represent many of the assets of my game and abilitys.

I will be trying to find objects ready for next week to use to start to make noises i feel i might use or similar sounds to what i want in my animation of my game.

Friday 6 January 2012

Final Cut Pro

Today we had a taught session that looked into the new version of final cut pro. Although we have already been taugh the software with the new update the program has alot more to it and looks alot differently. We went across the basics again ready so that we can use it for our show reels. I found this lesson particually helpful as i will be doing alot of animation work later in the term.

Today i have also found various information for my research report, mostly revoleing around 'Virtual goods' with Team Fortress having a trading system that allows players to swap and bargin with other players to get virtual items instead of paying. Also how Diablo 3 allows players to trade items for real life money using a in-game auction house.

I also noted how the issue with 'Virtual Goods' is the loss in value as players once bought the item usually can't trade or reclaim money if the item isnt what they wanted.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Starting new game document

I started working on my new game document yesterday as well as my up-coming presenation based around my BA7 research. I started my document by designing the title page on photoshop keeping it in theme with the orginal design.

Title Page Design:

I also have started a Development document that will show my thoughts and help me re arange and design nimbo into a better and more refined design. The idea is that i can show others how i got to conclusions of concepts and where i had to re-design aspects or create more assets for the design.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Pulling Apart BA7

My BA7 unit was based around designing a game document that lots of different choices and oppunities for my concept. The overall idea was to then pull the better pieces of design out of BA7 and recreate a smaller and finshed game document that would be followed by an animation showing the gameplay.

I will be creating a development document to show my progression of thoughts and show why i am choosing certain aspects of my design over other designs. This will show the creative outlet and help also show progression of the same elements through redesign and help with extra research. It will also allow me to note and show areas in which i can create more assets and designs for in the new game document.

My first thoughts of my orginal game document is that my character is my selling point and that its design i feel is the biggest influence that is why i am choosing to start my project by keeping that character as it is along with its possiable animation designs/power designs. This will serve as a base for my new game document and allow me to know what direction i will be going.

There are also serveal areas that have a discussed in my game document like enviroments and objectives that will stay the same but will be added to and redesigned to look more pleasing and more in style with the characters. The overall look and way it they have been structored will be the same.

Monday 2 January 2012

Animation Thoughts

I watched the making of Lee Evans entrance animation to his newest dvd 'Roadrunner'. Although the dvd nor the theme of the animation isn't based around what i am currently after i enjoyed learning about the process of the animation and it reminded me of aspects of animations i haven't thought about, such as 'sound and music'.

The animation for this dvd was to help show a comedy moment that would introduce the comedian Lee Evans and therefor could be referred to more of a trailer. What i liked about the animation is that moments were in time with the music e.g. text would appear with a sound and music would quieten down. Also any parts of the animation was in sync with music and live action.

This had lead me to think about a couple of ideas i could do for my animation although its too early to choose what to do i would like to write out my current ideas for later.

1) Include live action scene maybe at the beginning of the animation to make it look like players are about to be playing the game which then becomes the animation of the gameplay.

2) A animation that builds the game in front of the viewer with text notes showing characters and elements.

3) a story driven animation were the game intro is show first then a animated explorer version of the game with voice over.