Monday 14 May 2012


Over the last couple of days I have been working on different things such as my main work, business cards and more and i have been thinking of how I could make my showreel better as although I designed a new background frame for my showreel I don't think its as good and I don't personally like it. I felt that it was missing a theme or the element that makes it different/stand out. I wanted another image for my showreel in my cartoon creature style so I designed this image (shown below) as another practice in illustrator as well as more to add to my art collection.

This concept was based around showing the audience that I have a lot of ideas thus being a lightbulb rather than the annta light. I quite liked the background and thought that I could break the image part and make it into a larger scale image by incorporating it all into my showreel. Now my showreel is based underwater giving it a theme that carries thoughout. I also learnt how to animate on Final Cut Pro and made a series of animations now out of images to make the whole showreel stand out. 

I also had to create a lot my my images to fit this new theme and i did that using my art frames and interesting methods.


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