Saturday 19 May 2012

Blog Evaluation

I started a blog in order to show my thoughts and research during BA8 similar to my work in BA7. I wanted to have a area in which i could look back on any work I have done and see the development and be able to revert back to research. My goal was to post at the least 3 times a week and explain my work in detail on choices and changes I have had to make throughout BA8. It was also an area I post work i have done that is relevant to my course but not as important as my main BA8 project as that work would be important to show and explain.

I feel like i have maintained a good blog that i have regally updated with a few gaps where i have been busy. I have shown and posted many different drafts of work in which has gone through many different stages of development alongside, personal development work and research on some subject areas. Thanks to my blog I have also been able to always been in-reach of my work either at home or at uni. Some areas of my blog could have been better, or more formal and explained but overall it appears to be stronger than my last and it does show my work progression both BA8 and my personal development. The best areas are showing my work with John and my Showreel development as in both areas I have shown what I have designed and planned to do as well as the development of that work.

I feel confient that blogging is a key area of design as it hub of information you can personally rely on and that you can see the effort placed into work by the different stages of design. I will continue this practice outside of University.

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