Thursday 17 May 2012

Website, ready for hand in

This is an example of my website I have created to host a selection of my work for any potential employers to look at and see what I can do as well as see other methods of contacts to me. I created this website on tumblr a free web hosting site were you can use your own domain and design or use created themes to display your work. I thought that tumblr was a good choice because it is simple in design, I have the choice to change my website layout and style very easily as well as posting work takes seconds. I also means I can save costs and time designing then buying web space. Because I was able to save on money hosting a full website I was able to purchase 2 years worth of domain and i can continue to purchase the domain after the time has finished.

This is my submission image as it gives both the website domain, as well as an example of my website incase they examiners cant access the internet at the time of marking.

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