Friday 18 May 2012

Last day

I had a short 1- 1 with my tutor today in which a couple of mistakes and areas I could improve on were discussed. Firstly my showreel needed to include a reference to the music i used. I used a Loyalty free soundtrack from The track was called Oasis. Also on the showreel I needed to change BA Honours to BA (Hons) and there was jittering on the playback of my showreel which needed to be sorted. I was able to speak to another tutor in which the jittering was fixed by removing the image from the showreel, exporting the video then placing it into After Effects were I could replace the image and animate it without the jittering. It took time to do and it has increased the size of the file as i had to render and export it as a H.264 but it is better to have a cleaner showreel at a larger size than a unfinished version.

Another area I needed improving was my spelling and writing in my game document as there are many spelling mistakes throughout the document. Another issue was the colour of the text, due to my background changing colour the white text throughout my document was uncomfortable to read, i have now changed my text colour to make the document designed better for the examiner. I have also made my  numbered points clearer to see as they faded into the text.

Today i also finished my personal practice pages as i wrote about what i have done to build myself as a game designer from competitions, student work, presentations and more. I put the information into a simple designed layout.

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