Wednesday 2 May 2012

Group Crit

Today i had a busy day due to a number of different lessons, duties and work i had to do however it was also helpful and useful day as i have some new directions in which to take in regards to my showreel and written work
We had a group crit session today with 2 tutors, an industry ex student and a couple of other students where i had to show and discuss my project along with relevant points to submission and plans for degree show. It went well and i took up a lot off time showing all the work i have done so far, thus showing that i had a reasonable about of work done. I was worried that because of my strong change into working on personal practice it would effect my main project heavily.

The feedback given back was that i had a strong amount of work and i was on the right track, however there was areas i need to improve and change to make sure i can get the best mark possible. One area of improvement was my written work is full of spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes through-out all my work, but most of all in my blog. This means that i will have to go through my blog and correct many mistakes i have made to help my project taking an unnecessary negative mark.

Another main area that need to be worked on is my showreel, the idea and style was liked however it wasn't strong enough and was to "crowded" to make any impact or make viewers enjoy watching. Firstly again there were silly spelling mistakes in the showreel which is the first area i need to fix. Next was the background frame as well as the text around the frame that is drawing away from the image and crowding the video. Another point was that the music doesn't match the speed of the art transitions so different music will work better.

The other point raised was in my trailer for Nimbo it lacked motion and expression in the character as well as some areas were to long with nothing much happening. Advice was to add in more character motion like changing colours or the character moving its arms.

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