Wednesday 8 February 2012

Flow Chart edits

After getting in touch with john, he was happy to continue working on the Nimbo prototype. He is happy to have a least a simple full level working prototype which may include menu's and buttons to navagate. This would allow me and him to both show a working game as well as show that we have the ability to create a product.

We sat to discuss what i am currently doing and were i am up to in the re-design of the game document. One main topic was the menu design in which i have started to draw out. John had a look at the flowchart and pointed out different ways i could improve the flowchart to make a more practical design in which could be made by him as well as general observations. I took his advise and we looked at how improve the design in which worked for me and for him.

this is the image we worked on in context of redesign, the red indcates changes i could and should make:

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