Friday 24 February 2012

Access to Music

Today i went down to Access to Music in order to colaborate with music students in which can develop a soundtrack for my game 'Nimbo' I went with 4 other students and had to firstly meet at 10 and then give the students and the teacher a brief presentation of what i am doing, what my game is and what i am looking for in the form of a soundtrack. It was a good day out and was able to meet a couple of other students in which seems capiable of making some great soundtracks. After having a good talk and a discussion on what is needed and how they will go about designing the sound i now have to wait to here back from them to see what they have created. This means we will work together again and hopefully be able to communicate strongly to acheive the best outcome.

I am looking forward to what will be created for my game and will continue with my own sound work with recording sounds for voices and attempt creating a soundtrack with another nuca student.

I also spent half the day working as student ambassidor taking tours for new students around the uni.

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