Thursday 23 February 2012

Extra Credits

I have been invited to attend a collabiration meeting with Access to Music along with 5 other pupils to get help from professional musicans as well as music students. The idea is that we show our work for BA and discuss how and what music we need and would like for our work and/or showreel in which they would try to experienment and create sounds for us to freely use. This is a great chance to get some experienced artists to create us some great soundtracks and potentially more in which will help us with understanding how to create music.

As i also was going to be creating a soundtrack to use for the prototype of nimbo and the animation this will firstly help learn how to go about the design of the music as well as have some great people create my music (potentially alot great music in which i would of made in the time i have) What i am doing im prepiration is to look at different soundtracks of music in relation to my game, so games like farmville and angry birds and listen to what they include and how it makes you feel.

I also will then try to find examples of songs and sound to take or reference to be able to explain what want from access to music. It will also make me clear of what i am looking for and why.

Farmville soundtrack:

Angry Birds Soundtrack:

Tiny Wings Soundtrack:

Scribblenauts Soundtrack:

Jetpack Joyride Soundtrack:

I have also re-watched Soundworks Video on Angrybirds in which i watched earlier durin my project. The video is helpful and shows how the song in which is now many started as a simple catchy beat in which has been modifided in many ways to create different good soundtracks.This would be good to get a catchy beat or noise in which people will remember and reconize after playing, even potentially get stuck in there head.

I like the feel and sound of country and folk music on the acuostic but i feel like that it will nimbo feel to country rather than bubbly and fun, hopefully finding a compromise will between a digitalize sounds with country or folk.

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