Monday 20 February 2012

Credit Design

I completed the Credit and information screen today labeling simple information about the game as well as the credits for who has done what currently for the prototype of the game.
Shown here:

I have also talked to Cian McNabola in which to discuss music and audio for nimbo. My though on the game was that it could have a light acustic sound which could play quitely in the background of the main game as well as maybe the menu screen.

I also designed a potential loading screen for John incase needed, it also makes the game feel more complete and have the components that other Iphone games have. Here is the loading screen design:

The idea was that this screen would appear after the logo screen, this screen shows the game name, character and each small bubble cloud below the name would pop up as the game loads. When all three appear the game has loading and the menu would appear shortly. the first cloud would appear at 25% loaded, then the next at 50% and then the 3rd at 75%.

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