Tuesday 28 February 2012

First Stage of Plants

Plants will grow through different stages in which players will recieve points from. I am currently looking at designing the flowers themselves but i have designed some level one plants in which players can find on the level before they grow. I have kept them simple and similar in which players will have to grow them before they will be able to tell what plant they are.

Here are the designs:

Monday 27 February 2012

Bonus in game items

In-game players will be able to recieve random bonuses in which will help the player and keep the player feeling that they are achieveing something over long periods of gaming. I already had mentioned and had a couple of different Bonus powers for the older game document, what i have done is expanded on them and created a range in which bonus the player in different ways and different abilitys.

Friday 24 February 2012

Access to Music

Today i went down to Access to Music in order to colaborate with music students in which can develop a soundtrack for my game 'Nimbo' I went with 4 other students and had to firstly meet at 10 and then give the students and the teacher a brief presentation of what i am doing, what my game is and what i am looking for in the form of a soundtrack. It was a good day out and was able to meet a couple of other students in which seems capiable of making some great soundtracks. After having a good talk and a discussion on what is needed and how they will go about designing the sound i now have to wait to here back from them to see what they have created. This means we will work together again and hopefully be able to communicate strongly to acheive the best outcome.

I am looking forward to what will be created for my game and will continue with my own sound work with recording sounds for voices and attempt creating a soundtrack with another nuca student.

I also spent half the day working as student ambassidor taking tours for new students around the uni.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Extra Credits

I have been invited to attend a collabiration meeting with Access to Music along with 5 other pupils to get help from professional musicans as well as music students. The idea is that we show our work for BA and discuss how and what music we need and would like for our work and/or showreel in which they would try to experienment and create sounds for us to freely use. This is a great chance to get some experienced artists to create us some great soundtracks and potentially more in which will help us with understanding how to create music.

As i also was going to be creating a soundtrack to use for the prototype of nimbo and the animation this will firstly help learn how to go about the design of the music as well as have some great people create my music (potentially alot great music in which i would of made in the time i have) What i am doing im prepiration is to look at different soundtracks of music in relation to my game, so games like farmville and angry birds and listen to what they include and how it makes you feel.

I also will then try to find examples of songs and sound to take or reference to be able to explain what want from access to music. It will also make me clear of what i am looking for and why.

Farmville soundtrack:

Angry Birds Soundtrack:

Tiny Wings Soundtrack:

Scribblenauts Soundtrack:

Jetpack Joyride Soundtrack:

I have also re-watched Soundworks Video on Angrybirds in which i watched earlier durin my project. The video is helpful and shows how the song in which is now many started as a simple catchy beat in which has been modifided in many ways to create different good soundtracks.This would be good to get a catchy beat or noise in which people will remember and reconize after playing, even potentially get stuck in there head.

I like the feel and sound of country and folk music on the acuostic but i feel like that it will nimbo feel to country rather than bubbly and fun, hopefully finding a compromise will between a digitalize sounds with country or folk.

Monday 20 February 2012

Credit Design

I completed the Credit and information screen today labeling simple information about the game as well as the credits for who has done what currently for the prototype of the game.
Shown here:

I have also talked to Cian McNabola in which to discuss music and audio for nimbo. My though on the game was that it could have a light acustic sound which could play quitely in the background of the main game as well as maybe the menu screen.

I also designed a potential loading screen for John incase needed, it also makes the game feel more complete and have the components that other Iphone games have. Here is the loading screen design:

The idea was that this screen would appear after the logo screen, this screen shows the game name, character and each small bubble cloud below the name would pop up as the game loads. When all three appear the game has loading and the menu would appear shortly. the first cloud would appear at 25% loaded, then the next at 50% and then the 3rd at 75%.

Sound Design and Credits

Today i spend looking at making sounds for my game concept 'Nimbo'. I wanted to create buttons sounds and a simple voice sound in which to use potentially in the game demo in which is being put together by john. I started today working in sound looking at loops and prerecorded sounds in Logic in which i can use and edit for the button noises, after playing around changing different sounds, cutting and whiching noises i was unsure of what would work for my game in terms of sounds. I had a strong idea in which i want Nimbo to sound (squeeky and young). With my loading opening screen i thought i could have someone voice over the word nimbo telling players how it sounds and people wil understand the cloud as a child.

I recorded Ryan Pentney preforming the voice saying nimbo in which to use. I like how it turned out although i may have to test it with john and get other oppinions of the sound. From this sound i thought that some buttons may have voices in which say words rather than simple typical button sounds. Because of nibmo moving as a anamatic for the menus i recorded 'Here we go' as the sound that could be used for the items, play and buy buttons because it will look and sound like nimbo is moving to the next area.

I also got some simple mummbled versions of nimbo and nimbos fathers voice in which i could place over the speech bubbles during the simple introduction anamatic.

Saturday 18 February 2012

First finished menu Design

I have spent the last couple of days designing the different menu screens as one image in which should be in the correct size and format to be transfered to gamesalad. I had to design many different layers and elements to create buttons and elements to make it appear strongly refined. I will take this to john and see what he can do with the assets and hopefuly create a really good working animated menu.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Menu Design

After meeting with john again to discuss how to create layout for the menus in design to fit gamesalad and potential Ios devices. He had designed a new way of animating the menu design, orginally i was having the menus appear over the last when buttons are selected but john learnt that if a large screen image was designed it could be anmaticaly moved which would give the apparence of sliding menus. This in the demo form looked more orginal and exciting than appearing menus. He also intergrated the concept of nimbo being on the main menu by making nimbo move to the other menu screens through animation. The prototype shows a box move from one secton to the other but when the character is added it would appear like he is flying from one menu to another.

Video of demo menu in gamesalad created by john:

Thursday 9 February 2012

Flowchart Edit

This is my updated flowchart:

I also have spent my time designing my own personal company name and logo to make the game have a feel of realism, as it will look like a company has made the game.


Because i am designing the game and creating the assets but john is creating the playable game i have asked if him if he has a company idea or logo in which he has. I will also be adding his logo next to mine to show that is was a joint effort in making the game.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Flow Chart edits

After getting in touch with john, he was happy to continue working on the Nimbo prototype. He is happy to have a least a simple full level working prototype which may include menu's and buttons to navagate. This would allow me and him to both show a working game as well as show that we have the ability to create a product.

We sat to discuss what i am currently doing and were i am up to in the re-design of the game document. One main topic was the menu design in which i have started to draw out. John had a look at the flowchart and pointed out different ways i could improve the flowchart to make a more practical design in which could be made by him as well as general observations. I took his advise and we looked at how improve the design in which worked for me and for him.

this is the image we worked on in context of redesign, the red indcates changes i could and should make:

Sunday 5 February 2012

This is my first attempt at the design layout of my potential menus for Nimbo. I created it in theme with nimbo to make it more presentable as well as trying to keep practical and simple.

After getting some feedback from other students and teacher there were a few adjustments that would make it more understandable and readable. The lines needed changing to understand the direction as well as what it on what menu. I also changed the text to make it more plesant to the eyes and readable. This is the updated version.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Menu layouts

As i am currently designing and painting environments for my game refining the art style and look i was thinking what i could design for the game menu's. During resent sound inductions i have been thinking about hopefully using and recording sound to get some early practice and i thought having a quickly animated menu system might be worth trying soon so i can try using sound. Firstly before i can design my menu screens i must know the layout of how my menu system will work. This would take the form of a flowchart, to enable me and others to see were the different screens lead on from each other. As early preparation for this i have had a look at games on the Iphone to see how they have laid there game menu's out. There is a recurring theme with similar buttons on the main screen as well has similar looking buttons and layouts.

Brief notes made by me:

Angry Birds -

Click Gamer - Revio - Loading screen image - Menu screen

Play - settings and credits/info - leader boards - Achievements - buy eagle - connect to online.

Play - Chapters on scroll - levels - Pick level.

Jetpack Joyride

Half-brick loading - menu screen

Play - stash - missions - home - leader board - connect to Facebook.

play = play.

stash - clothing, jet packs, vechicles, utilities, profile, achevements, get coins, also shows total coins on this page.

Mega Jump

Get set - Play - Free MP - Store - Facebook - Twitter - Youtube - Mega Code - Help - settings

Settings - faint, game centre - sound - screen.

Store - Characters to buy - Buy star - wallpaper - buy coins.

Play - Level


Loading screen image

Play - Options - Leaderboards - Achievements - Communities - Credits - Encyclopaedia

Play = Choose character - play

Options = Music, SFX, Voice, Show Pads, Show Radar, Game centre.

Encyclopaedia = Images of different characters and enemies.

These notes are for my to remember how these games have laid out there menu screens, I will look over these games and others again when i design my flowchart of the menu system. I will also look at how games have also used mechanics to save space on menus as well as the artist direction and the typical layouts of menus in the iphone.