Monday 23 April 2012

I have been working on a trailer for Nimbo as i said i would in my learning agreement. I said that i would create a gameplay animation however because i have been working with john on a demo of the game i thought that i could record the working game and include that into the trailer along with animated sequences. As this would convoy both gameplay as well as advertising in one video.

 I started on the animation and designed a simple opening intro in which shows the title, Nimbo, and many different environments that lead up to a ipad which will show recorded footage of gameplay. To start i thought i would need a simple plan to follow for creating the trailer as i most likely would need to create assets and make everything fit the screen size of the video. I designed a simple plan on photoshop and looked at how i could make it and what would happen. here is the quick plan:

What the image above shows is that a cloud will scroll across the screen which will then make the title 'Nimbo' appear. These then leads onto the character Nimbo swirling onto screen above the title. After Nimbo will then appear to fly down towards the floor then appear to fly over lots of different levels. Nimbo would then reach IPad in which Nimbo would disappear then a gameplay video will play on the IPad.

I have spent the rest of the day preparing all the assets i will need, i firstly made a couple of PNG clouds that can scroll across the start of the video with then the title. I reused Nimbo and had to then edit all the levels to be the same size as well as be long enough to scroll. I made a couple of small extras to make more depth and show advertising as i made a small-clouded text saying 'join nimbo on his wild ride around the world.' This would show as the background starts to change into different environments.

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