Tuesday 27 March 2012

I have been busy a lot lately preparing for the upcoming deadline for Dare to be Digital, however i have been looking at my work lately and seen a lack of personal development. My last couple of pieces of work have been to help develop my skills at using new software and how to paint and colour in new ways to my previous style. I have been looking at how i could better myself in my type of style i have and i came across a blog of a artist who gave out a couple of interesting points. One which i did take into consideration and try was to draw in the style i want to practice people and faces i know well. The blog talked about how you know the faces around you and are easier to picture in your head than random faces or copying off other images, the point made as to draw these people in the preferred style you want to practice. I personally prefer disney/pixar style art with every over the top expressions of shape and characteristics. I chose to have a go and creating this effect by drawing friends as i could picture what they looked like in that style. These are what i drew. I also created them in illustrator to help me again strengthen my skills in that software.

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