Wednesday 25 April 2012

Nimbo Trailer

Here is what I have designed on Affect effects so far for my trailer, I used all my assets i made the other day and feel that it has worked well. I could improve on how fast it plays as its quite long for an opening as well some areas are abit plain. I have left space for a video to be played on the IPAD in the video.

Here is the video so far:

I kept close to my plan as i still thought it was a good way of showing that my game is about a cloud traveling around the world protecting plants.

Monday 23 April 2012

I have been working on a trailer for Nimbo as i said i would in my learning agreement. I said that i would create a gameplay animation however because i have been working with john on a demo of the game i thought that i could record the working game and include that into the trailer along with animated sequences. As this would convoy both gameplay as well as advertising in one video.

 I started on the animation and designed a simple opening intro in which shows the title, Nimbo, and many different environments that lead up to a ipad which will show recorded footage of gameplay. To start i thought i would need a simple plan to follow for creating the trailer as i most likely would need to create assets and make everything fit the screen size of the video. I designed a simple plan on photoshop and looked at how i could make it and what would happen. here is the quick plan:

What the image above shows is that a cloud will scroll across the screen which will then make the title 'Nimbo' appear. These then leads onto the character Nimbo swirling onto screen above the title. After Nimbo will then appear to fly down towards the floor then appear to fly over lots of different levels. Nimbo would then reach IPad in which Nimbo would disappear then a gameplay video will play on the IPad.

I have spent the rest of the day preparing all the assets i will need, i firstly made a couple of PNG clouds that can scroll across the start of the video with then the title. I reused Nimbo and had to then edit all the levels to be the same size as well as be long enough to scroll. I made a couple of small extras to make more depth and show advertising as i made a small-clouded text saying 'join nimbo on his wild ride around the world.' This would show as the background starts to change into different environments.

Friday 20 April 2012

Today i started to prepare and make my showreel for BA8 as well as the degreeshow, after having a catch up session in Final cut pro i felt more confident in using that software to make my showreel in. I also thought it would be worth while learning this software while making my showreel for future purposes. The practicality of the software is good as well as the user interface. after have a play with the general text effects, transitions and colour balance i chose to design a background as well as a small avatar to cleanly contain my work in the area of the screen. I thought that is would bring the viewer attention more towards my work as well as give of a simplicity and refinement.

 Here is the background:


I choose to make a 'loose' avatar of myself to sit in the corner of the screen to give off a feeling of character and to show my personality, i personally feel that it makes the border less dominate and less plain. I designed the avatar quickly in illustrator.


I next started to piece the showreel together, i started with a simple animated text shown in the image below. It has my name, area of design, degree, course and university.  Its a non distracting animated text and easy to read, i also gave it plenty of time to be read on screen. I animated the avatar to appear first before the background as a que to the audience that its now starting, as well as to look at it before it becomes part of the background. i will also be using the avatar appearing as a starting point for the music to enter.

I next added the background and started to place in some images, i have started with my latest pieces and more stylised to me to get across my character and my personal preference to design rather than showing older work that may look better but not what i want to go into. I've kept as many images as i can using a white background to fit with the background. In animatic terms i didn't want to make anything overally fancy or moving as it can be a large distraction. I have used mostly fade as the transition for the images as its clean and the next image can appear in the same spot as the last. I also have shown a transition from line art to coloured to show how i work. As i feel this makes the showreel look better.

Saturday 7 April 2012

Creature Design Illustrator

This is a create I designed using illustrator was i wanted to see what I could come up with in the software. I felt that by designing more artwork in the software I would get better using it, I didn't have a original idea I just worked on shapes and tools. I liked the outline and chose to develop the design to a finish ready for my showreel. I am glad because it gives me more stronger art work to show in my portfolio.

Thursday 5 April 2012

This picture is another i have designed using illustrator, i designed it based around the other ones i have done in illustrator to keep a theme running. Again i will be using this piece as part of my personal practice as well as more work to be displayed on my showreel. I feel confident using the software now and feel that my process of designing a piece using the software is getting better and faster. I also like this style and theme i'm going for as its showing my strong expression for simple creature designs and quirky personality. I hope it brings across that i'm looking at becoming a indie games designer looking at designing loveable character, stories and new gameplay. I coloured the piece to make it look finished and so it can be featured in my showreel.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Competitions and holiday

I have been working strongly on Dare to be digital over the last week and haven't had much time to focus on my BA8 project, However i do believe all the work and time I am contributing to this competition will strengthen me and a game designer as well improve on my ability's to work with others. I'm hoping for the best with the work and team as our entry is getting towards completion. I do feel that using my holiday time working on competitions as well as developing drawing and software skills will be best and return focused to BA8 when I return back to the help of tutors.