Friday 30 December 2011

Starting BA8

I am currently in my final project of university and carrying on from were i left off at the end of BA7. During BA7 i came up with and fleshed out a game design that had lots of possible ideas and mechanics that i can now refine and display in a finalised Game Document with an animation showing 'How to play' and potential 'Gameplay'.

I will be starting BA8 by looking over my current Game Document and refining the concept into a more finalised concept, this would mean choosing certain game-mechanics, designs, choosing the platform, game elements, assets and extras. Each choice will needed to explained for the choice and this could also mean re-designing or designing further the idea.

My next step would be to then design and create my refined game document and add and design all the necessary elements that may then be included and designs that wasn't in the previous document. (these would include extra character designs, character assets, enemies, objectives and environments)

During this stage i will also have to be preparing for animating the concept with storyboards to show how i will get my game concept across in animation. Storyboarding will allow me to refine what will be shown and when. Also it would help with the timing and production of the animation.

There are many other aspects which i would like add to my project as well.

Here is a list of the work i hopefully will be able to do and complete to a high standard:

- Refined Game Document
- 'How to Play' Animation
- (Possible) 'trailer/gameplay' animation
- Website
- Show Real
- Blog
- Flow Chart of Menu Screens with (potential) 'designed menu screens'